In the FIEld: A podcast from FIE
FIE provides life-changing study abroad experiences in the UK, Ireland and Spain. As a non-profit educational organization, we are passionately invested in making a difference for our students as the future global leaders of tomorrow and the field of international education as a whole. The FIE podcast shares industry insights and original research as well as best practices for internships, academics, leadership, and international mobility. Plus some insider tips on making the most of your semester abroad from our resident experts – our faculty, students and our FIE team in the FIEld!
In the FIEld: A podcast from FIE
Episode 2: Why Storytelling is so important in the classroom and in life. In the FIEld with Victor Mellors
In this episode of In the FIEld we chat with actor, director and faculty member, Victor Mellors about storytelling (on stage, on film AND in the classroom), the London theatre scene and we share our mutual fandom of Christopher Nolan. Victor’s City Secret is the Cinema Museum, here’s the link (as promised in the podcast!)